Let me take a minute to address the common perception of Asanas. 

For many people who have never practiced yoga, the mental picture when yoga is brought up is of someone in an incredibly difficult posture, if not standing on their heads or into a pretzel, pretty close to it. Well, I am here to tell you that couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, there are those who can do some very difficult postures and feel very relaxed, but in order to benefit from yoga that’s not necessary. On the contrary, I think you will be surprised by the effect that very subtle movements can have on your body as well as your mind.

The asanas are a series of physical postures to help your body get stronger, more limber, relaxed and for you to be able to sit in meditation without any stress. You will find certain parts of your body will have more stiffness than others. Some asanas will be more difficult than others as a result. That’s perfectly normal. In fact the less you are able to do an asana the more you should do it. Stiffness in any part of the body should be avoided. Toxins rest in those stiff parts because we tend to not move those parts. That’s the reason they have become stiff in the first place. As you practice, remember to always back out immediately of anything which causes you pain. I’m not telling you not to push yourself into a posture and relax in it, but definitely do it without pain. You are asked to do those which are at your ability level. As you progress, you will add more. With the repetition of asanas on a daily basis you will be rerouting your brain and forming new paths for information. You may feel the results right away or it may take a while, but just know that you are training your brain and that will help with cognitive, physical, visual and other symptoms you might be experiencing. It will be an adventure into a beautiful progression into wellness.