
During the course of our lives we tend to try to show the world how perfect we are. Showing anything short of that can keep us up at night worrying. Well, I have news for us. We are imperfect. That is just a fact. We are perfectly imperfect in every way. That is what makes us all so diverse and unique. I believe that once we know this and not only accept it, but we embrace it, we can become content and happy. We can become healthy physically and mentally. We can look within and love our perfectly imperfect selves and open our hearts; allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. There is nothing to fear because we no longer see our “imperfections” as something to hide, but instead they are what make us who we are. Being vulnerable is universal. It’s not something that we need to fear. Quite the contrary. I think the people who are most endearing to me are those who have shown me they are vulnerable. Why? Because so am I. So are we all. The moment we open our hearts we may feel that vulnerability, but it’s also the moment in which we make connections that wouldn’t be made any other way.