
Our relationship with the disease that our body has, is very important. How we view it and how we approach it, can make a difference in how we overcome it. I believe, that when we get diagnosed, we go through the same steps that we go through in grieving the loss of a loved one. In this case, it is the loss of our health as we know it. We have to be careful to get out of the anger and fear states, and move on to the acceptance state. What happens when we stay in the fear state is that we become fearful of the disease, but in that we may become fearful of our own bodies. When we are stuck in anger, we become angry with the disease, but may transition into becoming angry with our bodies. Accepting that we have a disease, and not that that disease is ours is also key. “My MS,” that's how I used to think of MS. In thinking of it that way, I was declaring ownership of it. Very unlikely that it would leave me in that case. So it became simply MS and no longer belonged to me. And let's go back to the anger. Calling ourselves warriors, or being in a battle to beat the disease, also sends the body mixed signals. The idea that you are going to battle implies that you are fighting your own body. Instead, see yourself as saving the body. You may think of little soldiers going into the body, visualizing them removing the disease in a loving way-they have your back. I recently read a quote-"Fall in love with your healing." It very much resonated with me. That is exactly what needs to happen. Give the body love. Tune in to what it is that gives your body balance. Tune in to what it is that creates ease. Tune in to what it is that brings the nervous system into balance. We need to be careful with how we see ourselves in the healing process. Creating a sense of conflict is never good when trying to calm a body/mind down. Healing happens in a state of relaxation. Try bringing equanimity to the mind and in turn it will pass it on to the body. Remember, the body is always listening and it responds in turn.