
Each of us is on our path with the cards that we’ve been dealt. We have our own journey. It’s the journey that we need to be on. Sometimes, we expect those around us to be on the same path in their journey, with the same thoughts, at the same time, in the same way. That, is unrealistic and unfair. We have no idea what it is that gives others peace. In the same way, others have no idea what it is that gives us peace. Our inner peace is not negotiable. It’s important for us to establish that and set boundaries. It’s important for us, as well as all the people in our lives. We need to communicate and make sure it’s clear that each individual’s journey is important. When things are disruptive around us, it’s important we come back to center. Know what it is that gives us peace and not allow it to be disturbed. What gives us peace is not negotiable. This journey is yours. Only you know what you need. People may think they know, and they may mean well, but ultimately nobody has any idea of what it is that brings you inner peace. So, with compassion and kindness and without tension or confrontation, with respect for their peace as well, we need to check in on what is that is disturbing it and communicate. I’m a big believer in communication. The moment we communicate, everyone becomes lighter. Understand, we have a choice in whether we become upset and jeopardize our inner peace. I can’t stress enough how important it is that we not assume we know what other people are thinking. In that assumption we may make a lot of mistakes that disturb us, and that’s where communication is so important. If the approach is one of love and compassion, then the conversation is very different, than if you approach it with your own assumptions of other’s thoughts and actions. It’s a matter of realizing we are all in this together, but we are all on our own paths. About a year and half after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I was sitting in a yoga class one evening. I was starting to feel better, and I realized that this was the least likely place I thought I would ever find myself. Sitting in a yoga class, not knowing anybody around me in the room, feeling as if I was by myself. Then, I realized how good it felt. It felt so good to be able to sit there and take this in, owning what was happening to me, and being ok with it. This journey was mine. It’s so essential we realize how important we are to ourselves. Not out of ego and not out of self righteousness, but out of self love and self care. Part of that self care is to keep that inner peace with us at all times. When there is dis-ease in the body, the body needs our support and our love. The body is out of balance and so as a result, we need to nurture it, and bring to it that which makes it feel loved and balanced. It’s necessary to keep that inner peace and not jeopardize it, because it’s so important to wellness. I repeat, our inner peace is not negotiable.