
In order for the body to have the space to heal it needs to reach a state of relaxation. It is essential for us to acknowledge how important it is to take the time to create that space for that to happen. The message the body is receiving when we deliberately make that space, is that we care about it. How do we do that? We take the time to relax fully. Fully meaning, every cell in the body can feel the intention of well being with which it is being taken care of. We create ease and balance with compassion and love for the bodies which carry us through life. It is in that relaxation that healing happens. A tense body will have a vey difficult time healing. Ignoring that tension sends a signal of indifference for the body. Establish a relationship with your mind and body in which they support each other. Let the thoughts that you send to your body be thoughts of caring with intentions of love and compassion. Nurture your body. Establish gratitude in your thoughts toward your body. Love your body unconditionally. Your body will respond in kind. So how do we reach this state of relaxation? In the next few weeks we will be talking in detail about how to do that. In the meantime you can listen to any of the guided meditations on my website to get a glimpse. Simply sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen. Remember we are not a mind and a body. We are a mindbody. As you listen let both become one in balance, ease and harmony.