I can’t stress enough the importance of the breath and how it flows. Most of us have never known the proper way of breathing. In order for the body to be fully nourished and the proper exchange of gases to take place, it is essential that we breathe correctly. The following paragraphs have been taken out of Transcending MS. To me, they are the heart of the healing process. Follow the process. Don’t try to take short cuts to finish more quickly. The more time you spend on it, the more benefit you will receive. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to e-mail me at margie@transcendingms.com.
Chapter 15 - Breath
Breath is our life source. The importance of it can't be stressed enough. Although you have been breathing your whole life, it's important that you breathe as your body is meant to breathe. Our bodies are meant to take full nourishing breaths in a relaxed and natural way. This changes when we are not relaxed. When we are afraid or stressed our breathing becomes shallow. Well, if you have been spending much of your life with stress, you are breathing with shallow breaths most of the time. In addition to that, keeping in the the stomach area has become a habit for many of us and that definitely makes it so you can't take a deep full breath. Old habits need to be changed to bring the body back to health.
So at this point you need to learn what the most nourishing, healthy way of breathing is for you. Follow the guidelines in the subsequent pages very seriously. Progress at your own pace in your own time. Progressing faster is not better. Progressing gently and naturally is best. Your body will determine when to move on to the next step. Only move on to the next step when you are performing that particular breath spontaneously and with ease. They are all building blocks. In order for your structure to be sound and strong each block needs to be strong and capable of holding the blocks which will be built upon them. Be aware of every step and enjoy the process.
Let's take this in steps.
Step 1
Before we begin, it’s important that you know the correct way to breathe. When you breathe in your stomach should be filling up and when you breathe out it should be going in. Think of your stomach as a balloon. What happens to a balloon when you blow air into it? It fills up. The same principal applies to your stomach area. And as the air is leaving the stomach it deflates in the same way a balloon does.
Sit up straight and take a breath. Observe what happens. If your stomach is getting bigger as you are breathing in, then you are doing it correctly - that’s good. If not, then try to breathe as I have told you. It’s still not clear? Ok let’s try this.
Even if it is clear, please try this anyway. Lie down on your back. Breathe. Observe what is happening. Observe how your stomach moves up as you breathe in and down as you breathe out. That is the natural way your body wants to breathe. That is how you need to breathe when you are sitting or standing. Technically the breath is not going to your belly, but in order for you to have a full breath that is how it feels.
For the next week I want you to just be aware of your breath. Make sure that you are following this procedure. Be comfortable with breathing that way. Until you are comfortable breathing that way, please don’t proceed to any of the following breaths. This is your basic building block for your breath. It’s very important you learn this first. Even if you have been breathing like this please continue to do so, but now I want you to be aware of it throughout the day. Take time a few times a day to be with your breath and observe it. Enjoy taking your focus to your breath.
In addition to that, as you breath in, breathe in through your nose. As you breathe out, make a small “O’” with your lips and breathe out through the center of your lips. Take deep, slow and gentle breaths in and slow, gentle breaths out. What you will find is not only will you be breathing properly, but you will also find your body and mind slowing down and relaxing. The temple area of your face relaxes with that breath being released through the center of your lips.
Ideally, do this at least 3 times a day. Take at least 20 breaths. In the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening before bed. You may choose to do it more often and that would be terrific! Initially, if it’s easier for you to lie down to do it, do so. But, after 2 days, do this sitting or standing. It’s important that you know how to do this and breathe like this at all times. Practice makes you better at it. Practice will also lead to it being spontaneous. Let this become a integrated part of you.
So you are sure that you are comfortable with this breath. You are so comfortable you are ready to move on. You have spent a minimum of 2 weeks practicing this several times a day. Ok, then go on to Step 2. If you find that you need to go back to Step 1 for any reason please don’t hesitate to do so.
Step 2
Once you have become comfortable with breathing correctly you can learn yogic breath.
This entails filling your lungs fully and completely. Begin your breath by filling your stomach, next fill your chest and finally take your breath into your upper chest toward your shoulders. Don’t try to lift the shoulders, they will lift naturally. Focus now on breathing this way 3 times a day. Take at least 20 breaths. Do this in the same manner you did when you were learning to breathe correctly. Focus on your breathing. Be very aware of the breath as it is filling your lungs. Breathe in through your nose and out through the center of your lips. Practice this for at least a week. If at the end of that week you are not comfortable breathing this way, then continue to practice until you are. Take as long as you need. There is no hurry. The most important part is for you to be effortless in doing it. Remember these breaths are building blocks. Don’t go to the next breath until you have learned this one and are very, very comfortable practicing it.
Step 3
You have now spent some time focusing on full breath in and now let’s add the breath out. As you breathe in you are filling the stomach, chest and shoulders and now as you breathe out breathe out in the opposite order. As you are breathing out, release the breath from the shoulder area, then the chest and finally the stomach. Do this slowly, gently, and uniformly. Observe it and be aware as it’s happening. Practice this for at least a week 3 times a day, taking at least 20 breaths each time. If you find that you would like to take more breaths, by all means do so. There is no limit to how many breaths to take. This practice will bring you much balance and wellness. It is very important to your total well being. It may not be easy initially, but I have no doubt you will get it once you practice. The main point is that you be with your breath. Be aware of what parts are filling with the breath and then what parts are releasing the breath. Do it systematically. What will happen is that you will find yourself spontaneously doing it with no effort. I can’t stress enough how important this is.