
You can’t take the “me” out of “me”. We are all born with a set of characteristics unique to us. It is in those characteristics that we uncover the ultimate and primordial fact of who and what we are- our dharma. We are all born with gifts which we can bring to the world. We need to embrace them! When we are true to those, life is much more fluid and tranquil. It is in that journey of uncovering and accepting our particular gifts and personality, that we can blossom and expand in health and balance. It is when we spend our lives living other people’s stories of us, rather than writing our own chapters, that inner conflict and imbalance starts to take hold. Our bodies become affected under what we have learned to call “stress”, manifesting into unhappiness, and affecting our mental health and possibly our physical health. Trust in that inner voice is essential. Trust in our calling for a direction of our own choice leads to a life with purpose. The byproduct of that? The absence of inner conflict. The absence of self doubt. A sense of strength and joy in living. A state of equanimity, unshaken by outside opinion or influence. The ability to trust the “me” in “me" will give us the wings to fly.