It is extremely important that you learn to breathe correctly. Initially, I want you to focus on just breathing correctly. Once you are comfortable with that, then you move on to other types of breaths to benefit your body in different ways. I can't emphasize enough the importance of breath. Breath is what keeps us alive, and nourishes us. Without it, we can't function. Without proper breathing we don't nourish our bodies properly, hence inviting problems.
- Begin by practicing full breaths.
- Be aware of filling the belly region when you're breathing in and allowing the chest and shoulder region to also be filled in that order.
- Do this while breathing in through your nose and out through your lips slowly and with awareness.
- Take the time throughout your day to stop for a few minutes and take ten full breaths in this manner. You will be lowering stress levels, nourishing and relaxing both your mind and body.
Relaxation through breathing is key; relaxation of the body as well as the mind. One cannot be relaxed without the other being relaxed. In order for your body to heal, it needs to have total relaxation time, to give it the chance to heal.