December 25th-As you sit to practice your 10 breaths this morning, be aware of how blessed you are. think of three reasons you are blessed. With every breath let the miracle of those blessings be with you.Enjoy your day...It's a day of counting bles…

December 25th-

As you sit to practice your 10 breaths this morning, be aware of how blessed you are. think of three reasons you are blessed. With every breath let the miracle of those blessings be with you.

Enjoy your day...

It's a day of counting blessings. Do not let an opportunity get by you, no matter how small it is, to see the blessing it is. Where the focus goes, is where the energy goes. Focus on those little miracles around you and you will create more miracles. Your breath alone is a form of miracle, if you take the time to really see how incredible the process is.

Before taking your ten breaths tonight, think of three different miracles which you were blessed with today. Let the beauty of them settle into every breath. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you are blessed and have made the space for more blessings.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-the miracle I am, is also the miracle you are.