26th DAY-As you sit today for your ten breaths, be aware of receiving the breaths as you're inhaling and also be aware of sharing the breaths as you're exhaling. Practice receiving and giving your breaths with a full heart.Enjoy your day...The cycle…

26th DAY-

As you sit today for your ten breaths, be aware of receiving the breaths as you're inhaling and also be aware of sharing the breaths as you're exhaling. Practice receiving and giving your breaths with a full heart.

Enjoy your day...

The cycle of breathing is one of giving and receiving of much importance to us, but also to our planet as a whole. Your breath makes a difference to you as you receive and nourish. Without it you couldn't survive. But think of the importance of your exhalation. Without it the plant life around you would not survive. Our interdependence is a vital process of survival through receiving and giving. We have all studied this in school somewhere along the way, but have we realized our true importance in simply breathing? Take moments throughout your day today to be with your breath, knowing the difference the cycle makes; a cycle that would not be possible without you. Go outside and kick off your shoes in the grass, dirt or sand and ground yourself with the earth below you. Feel how much a part of it you are. Be aware of the miracles of life and your part in that.

Tonight, go over how your feet felt touching the ground below you, with the knowledge of the connection and the importance of you in this world. While practicing your ten breaths, do so with full awareness of the importance of receiving. In life, without receiving, giving would not be possible; not just in breathing. Unless we are open to receiving we have nothing to give. Invite and accept blessings to fill your being. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you are important to this world and have made the space to for receiving.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the importance of my being, is the same importance of your being.