10th DAY.Observation and flow… These two components are the basis for reaching a place of equanimity and balance. Why would these be related? In observing, we learn not to take the events of the world around us personally. In flowing, we allow our l…

10th DAY.

Observation and flow… These two components are the basis for reaching a place of equanimity and balance. Why would these be related? In observing, we learn not to take the events of the world around us personally. In flowing, we allow our life to shift and shape according to what is happening in the present. In being in the present, we don’t yearn for the past or fret for the future, but rather we are an integral part of that present moment. And since we don’t take anything personally, we accept that events are just what they need to be for each of us at any given moment in time. With that in mind, peace can start taking a different form. A deeper acceptance of that which we observe, gifts us a deeper state of relaxation and hence healing. Let the breath help you learn this; a shift in perspective. Now have a seat and make space for yourself.

Take your breaths in the same way you took your breaths last night, and put your hands comfortably in your lap. Hold your left palm in your right palm, both palms facing toward the sky. Let the thumbs gently touch each other. Observe your breath as you are breathing in and as you are breathing out. Deliberately create a space between each inhalation and exhalation. Observe the space between each breath in and each breath out. Pause and take a moment to experience the fullness of the inhalation, and pause and take a moment to experience each exhalation. Feel what that space gives you. Release all expectations and flow with what the experience gives you… Stay there as long as you like. When ready to open your eyes, do so gently and softly.

In this state of relaxation is where the body is able to heal. Give yourself the space to heal….

Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude. In that gratitude you will find what you need at this moment in time.

Sweet dreams…