12th dayOur stillness… Our stillness is where we get to know who we are without all our titles. Our stillness is ours and always with us. Our stillness gives us inner peace. It is there, in that stillness, that the body becomes light and unencumbere…

12th day

Our stillness… Our stillness is where we get to know who we are without all our titles. Our stillness is ours and always with us. Our stillness gives us inner peace. It is there, in that stillness, that the body becomes light and unencumbered. Let’s make space today to further develop our relationship with our stillness.

Take your breaths in the same way you having been taking them and put your hands comfortably in your lap. Hold your left palm in your right palm, both palms facing toward the sky. Let the thumbs gently touch each other. Observe your breath as you are breathing in and as you are breathing out. Observe the space between each inhalation and exhalation. Observe your breath as if it weren’t yours. Flow with the experience without any expectations. Stay there, in your stillness. When ready to open your eyes, do so gently and softly.

In this stillness the possibilities are limitless…

Namaste-the source of the breath I take, is the same source of the breath you take…

Sweet dreams…