31ST DAY-Here we are.  The last day of our 31 day journey for 2019.  This year, it felt important to make the space for us.  The rest of the world needed to wait so that we could find our way to inner stillness, no matter what happened around us.  I…


Here we are. The last day of our 31 day journey for 2019. This year, it felt important to make the space for us. The rest of the world needed to wait so that we could find our way to inner stillness, no matter what happened around us. Inner silence so we can listen to what our bodies need. Inner silence so our bodies can guide us to the healing process. In that stillness is our essence-love. In that stillness is the highest of vibrations we can have-gratitude. In that stillness we realize love and gratitude are no different. In that state of love and gratitude our physical being changes and the stillness makes the space for healing at a cellular level. If we practice this on a daily basis we have the ability to transform and transcend. When we are in a state of gratitude we send the message to the body that we have already received what we need. The body responds and fulfills that need-health.

Let’s practice our last meditation together. Sit comfortably, placing your palms on your knees, with your palms facing toward the sky and the thumb and index finger touching each other. Your other fingers extended but relaxed. Take 11 full breaths beginning the breaths at the belly. Then bring your palms together at your heart and as you breathe in mentally say “I am” as you breather out mentally say “grateful”. Enjoy the effect of the palms together in sync with the intention behind your words. When ready release your palms and bring them back onto your knees. Release the mantra naturally. Stay in your stillness and experience what gratitude can do…

May your meditation practice continue and grow this year. May your unconditional self love grow with it. May you recognize your power to heal. May your health be abundant.

Namaste-the power to heal in me, is the same power to heal in you.