
March has been chosen as the month for MS awareness and orange is the color of choice. We all know someone who has been diagnosed with MS, but don’t necessarily know what that means. This is the time to become educated and learn about what it is and how it can affect the body. The MS ride is one which can be difficult to explain. How to explain fatigue so heavy that even lifting an arm can be a daunting task? How to describe the heaviness that sets in to a perfectly healthy foot that doesn’t seem to want to respond? How to explain numbness, but feeling, at the same time in the body? How to explain the intense heat in an ear canal that is otherwise healthy? How to explain not having enough balance to take a step at any given unpredictable point in time? How to explain these and so many other symptoms manifesting themselves randomly? Same disease, but not the same symptoms. Impossible to explain, unless you’ve lived it. Impossible to diagnose unless you’re an experienced and knowledgeable doctor. That’s why there needs to be more awareness of this disease, for those who may be having symptoms, but have not been properly diagnosed by a doctor. Let’s take this month to gain power through knowledge and possibly help someone who is in need of a proper diagnosis.