
My journey to India has ended. I have been home for almost two weeks. The first week home was a difficult re-entry into the normal routine. Of course the first couple of days were jet lag, after all it was a thirteen and a half hour time difference. But in addition, my body was screaming for more rest, so I had no choice but to give what it was needing. Was the purpose of my trip served? YES!!!!!! The cough is gone. The congestion in my head is gone. The redness and burning in my eyes has subsided. The “fog” has been lifted. The allergy symptoms, that for years have been a constant companion, have vanished.

The garden outside my room held the key to my recovery. The incredible power that each plant holds, when used to address the cause of the imbalance for each individual, is astounding. I am in awe of what has happened to me in the past few weeks. I went with the hope that I would get a little relief. I have returned with immense gratitude and convinced that I must let you all know the incredible power to heal that Ayurveda holds. Please understand that by no means am I suggesting that someone stop taking their allopathic medication. But I am saying, that no matter what disease you have, I believe that Ayurveda will support any treatment you are undergoing and enhance and balance the body to make it more receptive to healing. Not only do herbs and plants address the source of the imbalance, but also learning lifestyle changes so that our bodies are better supported. I’ll give you an example. It turns out that some of what I had been doing, which I thought was healthy, wasn’t healthy for me. I love to eat raw vegetables. My lunch of choice was chopped raw veggies with avocado dressing. Well, for my dosha (constitution) I need to be eating cooked food. I should be eating things which are warm and cooked with ghee or olive oil. For someone else those raw vegetables are perfect, just not for me. I can’t argue with success. I feel so much better, and my body is losing weight that it was previously holding on to. The inflammation is decreasing. I will continue to eat my veggies cooked. I will give this body what is good for it.

It was an incredibly beautiful experience in wellness. If this peaks your interest and you would like to know more, you are welcome to send me a message. The reason I write and try to give insight into my experience is to help others with their health struggles. Whether it’s MS or any other chronic disease. I may not have the answer, but I will sure try to point you in the direction of someone who does. Overcoming MS gave me a purpose; to help others overcome, transcend and thrive…