16th day-Although I seem to be focusing on the other aspects of your days, please know how important it is to continue to take the time for your 10 breaths in the morning and at night. It's that moment with the breath, which will continue to make a …

16th day-

Although I seem to be focusing on the other aspects of your days, please know how important it is to continue to take the time for your 10 breaths in the morning and at night. It's that moment with the breath, which will continue to make a difference in you, no matter what your days are like.

This morning, before you begin, say "thank you" out loud. Let the meaning of those words settle into the space between your inhalations and exhalations and permeate every cell in your body as you take the ten breaths.

Enjoy your day...

"Compare" is the word for today. As your day unfolds today, catch yourself comparing, mentally as well as out loud. Shift your thoughts when this happens. Let your personal excellence take over any thought of comparing. What other people do or have, is of no consequence to you. Be aware of what you need, not what you think you should have or be. Live from your heart, not from fear of lacking, and watch how that energy will give to you what your heart wants. Be willing and ready to receive it. Allow yourself to receive.

Tonight, before you begin your breaths, think of 3 things for which your personal excellence opened the door for you to receive. Again, out loud say "thank you". Let the meaning of those words settle into the space between your inhalations and exhalations and permeate every cell in your body as you take the ten breaths. Let your sleep be filled with gratitude and love for who you are.

Sweet dreams…