20th DAY-I have to take a moment to talk about what you've been doing for the past 4 days. You have uncovered the "4 C's" - compare, complain, control and criticize. I hope you take seriously the negative impact they have in your life. Being mindful…

20th DAY-

I have to take a moment to talk about what you've been doing for the past 4 days. You have uncovered the "4 C's" - compare, complain, control and criticize. I hope you take seriously the negative impact they have in your life. Being mindful of them in your day to day dealings will have a beautiful effect on your life. Let go of them as much as you can. Some days will be easier than others. That's ok. The first step is being aware of them and the impact they have on your life. Allow yourself to come from your heart and not from a place of fear of lacking. Being everyone's best friend is not the point. Knowing that we are all different and respecting these differences is the key. On the other hand, being your own best friend is the point and even more key. Follow your intuition and do what makes you whole and gives you peace.

This morning allow your 10 breaths to just happen with your eyes closed. As you're breathing, observe how your body is naturally breathing. Feel the freedom of allowing the breath to flow effortlessly. Be aware of how much your breath has become a source of ease in the past few of weeks. Be grateful.

Today, be aware of your connection with everyone you meet, strangers or friends. Before you say anything to them, mentally say "the light which shines in me is the same light which shines in you". Be genuine in thought. It might be the checker at the grocery store, or one of your family members. Be aware of that connection. Know that you are connected to every being on this planet. Know that the same love that is you is also them.

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, I think you will find your day in review will be quite remarkable. Go over your day and how people reacted to you today after or during your mental message to them. How did you feel? The difference your intention made in others today made life around you much better for everyone. Let your ten breaths flow effortlessly. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened the space for ease in your life today. Be grateful.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-the light which shines in me is also the light which shines in you.