22nd DAY-Continue with your 10 breaths this morning. Before you start them, know that all who you met yesterday were doing the best they could, in the best way they knew how. Including you. As you breathe, give thanks for who you are and where you a…

22nd DAY-

Continue with your 10 breaths this morning. Before you start them, know that all who you met yesterday were doing the best they could, in the best way they knew how. Including you. As you breathe, give thanks for who you are and where you are. You are blessed.

Enjoy your day...

Is there someone that you haven't talked to because you had a falling out? Would you like to talk to them? If so, it's time to mend fences. Call them and extend your hand in friendship. Remember that holding on to grudges only hurts the person holding them. Try to mend a friendship fence today, and feel the lightness set in for you and them. Come from a place of love and not of fear.

If you were able to mend a fence of friendship let that feeling of love settle in to every cell of your body as you take your ten breaths tonight. If your weren't able to, mentally speak the words you would have said, if you had the chance. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened a space of love for someone else. In doing so you have opened a place of serenity for yourself.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste - the light which shines in me is also the light that shines in you.