23rd DAY-A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.-Christopher K. GermerWe had the 4 C's to release. Now it's time for the C to keep always-Compassion. Compassion is key to l…

23rd DAY-

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.-Christopher K. Germer

We had the 4 C's to release. Now it's time for the C to keep always-Compassion. Compassion is key to leading a complete life. It needs to start with compassion for yourself. In releasing all the negative chatter for ourselves, we open the door to a place of compassion, love and kindness. We open ourselves to rest in our hearts. Then the doors and windows of our hearts can open to compassion and love for those around us. We are complete...

As you begin your ten breaths today, think of 3 ways in which you will be compassionate with yourself. As you perform your breaths allow your intention to settle into the breaths and every cell of your body.

Enjoy your day...

Be aware of your intention to be compassionate with yourself and be mindful of doing so today.

Tonight, go over your day in your mind. Go over how it felt to be compassionate with yourself. Let that feeling settle in your heart. As you take your breaths, breathe in with gratitude and as you breathe out, breathe out with love. Let only those thoughts be with you as you take your breaths. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened a space to take care, nourish and love yourself unconditionally; with compassion.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-the place for compassion in me, is also the place for compassion in you.