24th DAY-Today take your ten breaths in as peaceful and serene environment as you can. Then close your eyes and do the following meditation.First visualize yourself standing in front of you and say silently or out loud-May you be healthy and strong.…

24th DAY-

Today take your ten breaths in as peaceful and serene environment as you can. Then close your eyes and do the following meditation.

First visualize yourself standing in front of you and say silently or out loud-

May you be healthy and strong. May you have peace in your mind, body and heart. May you be loved and love with an open heart. May you have balance, harmony and ease in everything you do. May your light shine brightly.

Secondly, visualize a loved one and repeat those words or similar sentiments in your own words.

Thirdly visualize someone you don't know very well and do the same.

After that visualize someone you don't like and wish them well in the same way.

Lastly, visualize our planet and all of these people and the rest of the beings all over the world and either repeat the words or wish for us what you would like to see.

Fully invest yourself in this meditation. Then, sit quietly for a few minutes before you get up.

Enjoy your day.

Tonight, follow the same procedure you did this morning; beginning with the breaths and followed by the meditation. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge you have opened your heart fully to this amazing life of ours.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-that place of unconditional love in me, is the same place of unconditional love in you.