30th day-We touched a little on being in the moment, and I can't let you go without guiding you through the process of living the moment. Our life is made of moments, literally. As you finished reading this sentence a moment has passed. How we choos…

30th day-

We touched a little on being in the moment, and I can't let you go without guiding you through the process of living the moment. Our life is made of moments, literally. As you finished reading this sentence a moment has passed. How we choose to spend our moments, and more importantly, how we choose to be part of our moments makes all the difference in the meaning of our lives. Think about your thoughts in any given day. A large part of them are thoughts of what will happen or what did happen. Seldom are they completely related to what you are doing at any given moment with complete awareness.

At this moment in time you are safe and fed and probably sitting comfortably. Be grateful.

Enjoy your day...

Before you begin your breaths today, I would like you to sit with your back straight, neck straight and hands in your lap with the right palm supporting the left palm and the thumbs gently touching each other. Take a few breaths with your own natural rhythm. Begin to focus on the ground below you, the space around you and where you are in relation to everything around you. Even though your eyes are closed, scan the room you are in and know where everything is. Be aware of how safe you are. Be aware that at this moment in time you have nothing to worry about. At this moment in time it is just you and your breath. Begin your ten breath process and as you breathe in, breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your lips. Then shift your focus to your heart and feel the breath flowing through your heart. As you are doing this, be aware of this moment in time. Be aware of the gift of this moment in time. Be aware that each breath is a moment of time which is precious and important in it's own right. Only be aware of "now". Only be aware of being alive and breathing and safe "now", in this moment in time. When you have finished your breaths, allow some time to sit in silence. Be grateful

Enjoy your day...

Today, when you wash your hands focus on the moments you are spending washing your hands. Focus on how the soap feels on your skin; what the water temperature is and how it feels as it washes the soap off your skin. As you dry your hands be aware of how the towel feels and how your muscles feel holding the towel. Focus on every part of washing your hands. Be conscious of the present moment in washing your hands and all the movements and muscles it takes to do so. If you can do it with your eyes closed it will add extra depth to your experience. Do this every time you wash your hands today.

Tonight sit in the same way you did this morning. Bring your attention to "now", to the present moment and practice your ten breaths with full awareness of how your body feels with every breath. Experience how your heart feels as the energy flows through it and how your mind feels experiencing all your senses. Be grateful

You have spent moments today being completely present in the "now". "Now" is all we have. Don't let it get away from you in the "what was" or "what might be". What's done is done and the past is gone. The future is yours to have and there is no use worrying about things which will most likely never happen. Focus on what you have "now", not what you don't have. Know that you are exactly where you need to be at this and at any given moment in time. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that the present moment is yours and you are rich because of it. Be grateful for this moment in time.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the beauty of my moments is the same beauty your moments hold.