31st day-Today is our last day. For those of you who were with me every day, I hope I did you justice. For those who popped in and out, I know that you popped in exactly when you needed it and I hope you received what you needed. I thank you all for…

31st day-

Today is our last day. For those of you who were with me every day, I hope I did you justice. For those who popped in and out, I know that you popped in exactly when you needed it and I hope you received what you needed. I thank you all for being part of this journey.

Our lives are made up of moments. In order to truly live and appreciate this life, we need to be in those moments. Release the past without guilt, plan for the future with joy, and live the present moment with genuine presence and gratitude. Accept, and let go of expecting. Release the 4 "c's"-comparison, complaint, control, and criticism, and instead embrace the big "C"-compassion. Do this for yourself and all those around you. Be grateful for you and who you are and live through that gratitude in a genuine state, as you take "should" out of your vocabulary. And most of all, no matter what you do, do it from your heart.

Today, let's sit together as we have done once before.

Take your ten breaths in as peaceful and serene environment as you can. Then close your eyes and do the following meditation.

First visualize yourself and say silently or out loud-

May you be healthy and strong. May you have peace in your mind, body and heart. May you be loved and love with an open heart. May you have balance, harmony and ease in everything you do. May your light shine brightly.

Secondly, visualize a loved one and repeat those words or similar sentiments in your own words.

Thirdly visualize someone you don't know very well and do the same.

After that visualize someone you don't like and wish them well in the same way.

Lastly, visualize our planet and all of these people and the rest of the beings all over the world and either repeat the words or wish for us what you would like to see.

Fully invest yourself in this meditation. Then, sit quietly for a few minutes before you get up.

Enjoy your day...

Today is the last day of the year. Reflect but don't regret. Every decision you have made has brought you to this moment in time. What we perceive as mistakes, are lessons. Review your year in gratitude and move through today with awareness.

Tonight, take 1 breath in gratitude as you're easing yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you are beginning the new year with awareness of this moment and breath and all moments to come.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the light of love which shines brightly in me, is the same loving bright light which shines in you.