21st DAY-
You may have noticed that our 20th day is missing. Yesterday there were no instructions. I hope you decided to continue to make space for yourself in spite of that. An event in my life took priority over everything else happening around me. I could say that it may have been the most important event of my life. So, as a result i was unable to make it to my computer. I believe that it was the ultimate test in flowing and having faith in the Universe. My grandchild was born, and I was invited to be involved in the miraculous event. My whole being is filled with a tremendous amount of gratitude and awe for the way “life” abounds around us.
Let me share a guided meditation with you in gratitude….
Sit comfortably, making sure your back is straight and put your hands comfortably in your lap. Hold your left palm in your right palm, both palms facing toward the sky. Let the thumbs gently touch each other. Try not to move your body during the process. Observe your breath as you are breathing in and as you are breathing out for 5 breaths.. Then as you breathe in mentally say “I am” and as you breathe out mentally say “blessed.” Create a space between your inhalation and your exhalation and again create a space between your exhalation and your inhalation. Pause between “I am” and “blessed”. Pause between “blessed” and “I am”. Be aware of the words and allow the meaning of those words to settle into every cell in your body.. Flow with the experience. Release the mantra when it naturally happens. Stay there, in your stillness. When ready to open your eyes, do so gently and softly.
In the pause, the space in your heart is filled and expanded in gratitude….
Namaste-The way in which gratitude changes my life, is the same way it changes yours.
Sweet dreams…