
Loving unconditionally these bodies we’ve been gifted, is what’s most important in the healing process. In order to heal, our bodies need to feel at ease. How do we bring ease to the body? By loving it unconditionally. No matter what, we will love our bodies. Through sickness or health. Through our ideas of what a perfect weight should be. Through our ideas of what a perfect shape would be. We need to drop the need for perfection, because it’s a struggle we will never win. In striving for that which we perceive we are not , we are sending a message of insufficiency and dislike to the body. We must be aware of supporting and loving our bodies unconditionally in order to reach a state of balance, harmony and ease. We must give the body intentions of love with compassion. Let’s check our mental negative chatter and replace it with a loving supportive chatter. Our bodies will become relaxed in that acceptance. That’s where the healing happens. In the lap of love.