What we need and what we want is separate. If we take care of what we need-physically, mentally, and emotionally, what we want will fall into place. When I make the space and take the time to listen to "me" in my silence in the mornings, I become aware of what it is I need for that day. When you have given yourself the space to meet your needs, you start feeling a sense of abundance. You may begin to feel a healthier state of being. The more health you feel in you, the more at ease you may start feeling because you're aware of the abundance of your health, and it becomes your reality. In this way, you create your own reality. If you become aware of what's best for you, you become the vehicle that radiates life and health-mental, physical, and emotional health. In the same way, you're radiating it, that is what comes back to you. We attract what we are.