An excerpt from “Transcending MS”A stressed mind is a tired mind. A stressed mind has a difficult time absorbing and learning. A stressed mind passes the stress to the body and that is where the body may feel pain or get sick. Just as your body need…

An excerpt from “Transcending MS”

A stressed mind is a tired mind. A stressed mind has a difficult time absorbing and learning. A stressed mind passes the stress to the body and that is where the body may feel pain or get sick. Just as your body needs rest, so does the mind. Even when we are sleeping, our minds are busy dreaming and solving our days’ situations. However, if you give the mind a break from thought all together throughout your day, you will find benefits that are all encompassing to your mind and body.

This brings us to the all important part of yoga-meditation. Meditation addresses all these issues. You will be handed a road map to help you achieve a good meditation practice. Again, starting out at your ability and progressing as you practice. There is no room for comparison. Just know that your practice is yours alone, and your own experience. Your experience may be completely different from someone else’s, but that doesn’t make one better than the other. Some days will be better than others. That’s o.k., it’s all part of the experience. I assure you that you will be very pleasantly surprised by the results. Possibly ecstatic! I know I am.

All asanas, breathing practices and meditations will be split into levels. Depending on your physical abilities, you may progress faster in your breathing and meditation levels. That is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. The progression of your breathing and meditation are what will aid in your physical recovery and if you have cognitive issues, your cognitive recovery as well.

One final note before we begin:

I want you to be aware of the things which make you feel good. I want you to be aware of those which don’t. I am talking about music, books, television, movies, people, etc… There is no room for negativity from here on out. If that means not watching the news, don’t watch the news. If that means saying “no” to people, please say “no”. Do not feel guilty. You are now in a state of recovery, healing and living. DO the things you WANT to do, not the things you SHOULD do. DO the things you have to do with gratitude, that you can do them. It means a shift in attitude. It means you have a whole new attitude toward life and the adventures which will be coming your way. Be kind and loving to others, but most importantly be kind to yourself. That includes surrounding yourself by people and an environment which support your shift to joy and hope.

It’s time to lose your fears. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. Fear is a negative emotion. Fear takes a very heavy toll on your body. I won’t go into the medical aspects of it-you can research it if you are curious. Just know that it is very important for your well being to drop your fear. Fear of what might happen if… what might happen when… what has happened in the past and your guilt about it… there is no room for that anymore. What will happen, will happen, what has happened has happened, and no amount of worrying will help. BUT if you take life and run with it and try to give it your all, you will be LIVING. BELIEVE you can get better, and then you can leave the fears behind. Let joy fill your heart and every cell in your body. Find new adventures that fit your circumstances right now.

Have you always wanted to paint? Then do it. You think you don’t have talent? How do you know? Try it! What do you have to lose? You might be pleasantly surprised at how much fun putting paint on paper or canvass can be. How about if you try learning to play the piano or the guitar or maybe learning another language? The point is, try new things to stimulate your body, your brain and your spirit. The key is to start using parts of your brain which you have never used. Lift your spirit in ways you have never lifted it. Love yourself and others in a way you have never loved before.

Now let’s begin the journey to recovery together. I will be with you every step of the way…