
8th DAY-

As you take your breaths this morning, make sure that you have your eyes gently closed, if you haven't been doing so already.  Take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight.  Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left one and facing the sky and your thumbs gently touching each other.  As you inhale slowly through your nose, the abdomen should rise more than the chest.  At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation.  As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible.  Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today.  Focus on this moment in time with every breath.  Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today...

Enjoy you day... 

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force with you.  Focus on this moment in time and how safe you are.    Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude.  As you do, take time to give thanks for at least one specific moment of today.

Sweet dreams…