14th Day-We will continue with the mantra today. As mentioned yesterday: A mantra is a technique which helps you to take your mind to quieter levels. We will be repeating “so hum”. “So hum” is a reflection of the sound of breath. In addition, it car…

14th Day-

We will continue with the mantra today. As mentioned yesterday: A mantra is a technique which helps you to take your mind to quieter levels. We will be repeating “so hum”. “So hum” is a reflection of the sound of breath. In addition, it carries a very deep, contemplative meaning - “I am that”. “That” being creation, the universe, the source. Let’s repeat what we did yesterday. Please don’t try to replicate what you experienced yesterday. Today your stillness will give you a new experience….

Sit comfortably, but make sure your back is straight and put your hands comfortably in your lap. Hold your left palm in your right palm, both palms facing toward the sky. Let the thumbs gently touch each other. Try not to move your body during the process. Observe your breath as you are breathing in and as you are breathing out for 5 breaths.. Then as you breathe in mentally say “so” and as you breathe out mentally say “hum.” Don’t make space between the inhalation and exhalation. Only focus on repeating mentally “so” as you breathe in and “hum” as you breathe out effortlessly. Allow yourself to get lost in the process. Flow with the experience without any expectations. Release the mantra when it naturally happens. Stay there, in your stillness. When ready to open your eyes, do so gently and softly.

In this stillness the space is created and opened…

Namaste-the stillness in me, is the same stillness in you…

Sweet dreams…