
14th DAY-

A brand new week and a brand new day.  Take a moment this morning to be grateful for 3 things about yourself.  There is no right or wrong answer to this.  It's personal, and as such, only you know what those are.  

Then, begin your ten breaths today in gratitude for you and who you are.  As you inhale and exhale be aware of the miracle of your body.

Make a point today to be aware of any self criticism.  If you find that you are putting yourself down mentally, shift the thought.  If you find yourself saying it out loud,  shift the thought.  Make a point of being as kind to yourself, as you would be to a small child.  You deserve no less than that.

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you begin your 10 breaths, mentally go over your day and bring to mind 3 moments today for which you are grateful that you are you.  While having your ten breaths, let your awareness settle in that gratitude and allow your body and mind to relax.

Sweet dreams…